Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blast from the Past

For those of us who didn't have the luxury of playing Space Invaders as impressionable young children, either because we couldn't afford Ataris or because we were just twinkles in someone's eye (or floating around somewhere in the ether) in the 1980s, this game seems like a creepy retro psychedelic nightmare drug come to life. It starts off innocently enough, with you as the sickly green, crude machine tank looking thing shooting at bizarre beings resembling mushrooms monsters, squids, and flashdancing waterbugs from outer space.

The game quickly descends into delightful terror, however, once you get past the second or third level when suddenly the music turns outrageously devlish, your heart starts to race, and you swear that someone or some thing is staring at you from the corner of the room you're in while you sweat uncontrollably and attempt to keep your eyes from bulging out of your head during your tumble into madness.

Thanks to somebody somewhere in Germany, newbies and hardcore Space Invaders addicts alike can stay up till all hours of every night of the week and play this game until their fingers fall off.

Wherever you are, whatever you do, if you have any concern and care for your sanity, you must not click here.

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