Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Worried your man's cheating? You might wanna check his genes!

Scientists in Sweden have recently completed a study that links a gene, apparently one that 40% of all men have, to a man's ability (or inability) to be interested in monogamy and have a successful, long-term relationship. The presence of this cheating gene, called an "allele," also seems to predict the likelihood of a man getting married or simply living unmarried with a woman, as well as how happy or unhappy the woman is in her relationship with the man.

The allele regulates the activity of a hormone in the brain called vassopressin. In earlier studies, other scientists studying voles found that certain species of male voles were monogamous and mated with the same female for life, while others were dirty rats...or let's just say more promiscuous. The scientists found that by experimenting with vassopressin and receptors in the brains of voles, they could change the males of the promiscuous species to faithful husbands (and vice versa).

Ethics aside, maybe one day you too can know at the start of a relationship whether your guy's gonna be good to you by making him take a simple test to check for a promiscuity gene. Then you can decide if he's worth the inevitable drama to follow. If you find the gene, and are hell-bent on garnering his affection, it may just be a simple matter of cutting his head open and rearranging things a little until he's perfect!

Ladies, don't act like you weren't fantasizing about this already.

Read the full story from The Washington Post.

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