Friday, September 12, 2008

How to Die Happy (and Probably Instantly)...

....Just prepare this burger and you're on the road to glory.

I heard Paula Deen on the Food Network today utter the phrase "That's music to a cracker's ears!" when sinking her teeth into a succulent piece of amazingly prepared mouthwatering meat, which made me do a double take since I wasn't totally paying attention to the television. Later I decided to Google Paula cuz she was on my mind and what on earth do I come across but her "Lady's Brunch Burger," a monstrously solid concoction of hamburger, two strips of bacon, a fried EGG, and (cover your eyes kids)...two WHOLE glazed donuts!

Yes, yes, OMG. But hey y'all, any good southerner surely wouldn't bat an eyelash at this. And those in the know have probably already seen this wonder in it's previous life as the Luther Burger (the Luther, however, never dared to garnish itself with TWO whole glazed doughnuts, or an EGG, good Lord). To people who have daintier palates and who had mental heart attacks at Imagine Atrium when we started selling Mo's Bacon Bar, the Lady's Brunch Burger is a true misnomer and may be liable to cause convulsions or throwing up inside the mouth.

Paula Deen is so darn cute and arguably the most entertaining and likable TV chef on the air today, so I forgive her for trying to kill us with her food, the majority of which I'm sure tastes delectable. Although she is known for casually dropping two and three whole sticks of butter into cheese and dessert sauces at one time, not all of her recipes are completely death inducing.

In fact, her new cookbook is for kids. Paula Deen's My First Cookbook is aimed at teaching kids how to whip up tasty dishes that mom and dad will absolutely love. And it's guaranteed not to contain any Lady's Brunch Burgers.

"For KIDS?" you say. I know, I know. You don't want your children's culinary habits being influenced by someone who puts hamburgers on glazed doughnuts. But kids are smart. They are well aware that glazed doughnut burgers are only for old ladies on Sunday afternoons. Kids also like to have FUN, and if there's one thing we can all learn from Paula it's that we really should enjoy life, love people, and have as much fun as possible...and that includes laughing and playing around in the kitchen while cooking mom or dad something weird, interesting, and tasty.

Pick up a Paula Deen cookbook today and smile. Live a little before you die. She'll help you get there faster, but you'll be grinning, belly laughing, and licking your lips all the way.

-Garrad Bradley

-Pre-order Paula Deen's My First Cookbook at a 20% discount from Imagine Atrium.

-Or check out her best dishes for every holiday on the calendar in "Paula Deen Celebrates" - 40% off for our blog readers for a very limited time only!

***See Paula with Michelle Obama at!***

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